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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 16, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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proathletes, the locker room culture, the use of the "n" word. you don't want to miss that tomorrow at 5:00 eastern on cnn. hello, everyone. thank you for joining us, top of the hour. i'm don lemon. a deputy sheriff walks up to a house, sees a child handcuffed to the porch by the ankles and there's a dead chicken around his neck. it happened. two adults, a man and woman are in custody at this hour and what the woman does for a living will surprise you. we are joined with the details on this. we have new video of the scene. what can you tell us about this? >> we have new video of the house, the outside of the house, of live animals, a chained animal and a dead chicken. we don't know if this is the one that was allegedly around this boy's neck.
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we have that video, folks. here is what we know. they are facing intentional child abuse, inflicting serious injury, false imprisonment and cruelty to animal charges. larson is charged with willful failure to discharge her duty as a public official. listen to this. she is currently employed as a supervisor of the union county department of social service. . this is what authorities found at her house, a dead chicken around the neck of an 11-year-old child that was handcuffed to a porch. five children were removed from the house, ages 8 to 14. four of them were adopted children. the other child, a foster child. the child handcuffed to the porch was the foster child. all the kids are in the custody of a social services agency outside of this county, which is
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important. here is what one neighbor had to say. >> there's no telling what those kids are going through. that's the thing i'm thinking about. them kids, i bet they are so scared, it is unreal to do anything. a supervisor with dss and she let that go on in her own house. that, to me, something is wrong. >> when i see them go to the woods, he snuck through the backwoods to see what was going on. when he went to the woods, man he game out of there like grease lightning. >> being chased by the dog. >> i guess he seen that boy like he was. then it was on. >> cnn requested a comment from the union county government and the public information officer said they can't comment while the incident is under investigation. back to that woman who is the supervisor at social services, you don't have to work there to know this is wrong, you know what i'm saying?
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it tells you, where is the judgment line? where do you draw the line? >> who was home when they arrived? >> the man was the one that was home. the deputy arrived, saw what was going on, approached the man and a dog came out of the house. he retreated to his cruiser. that's when he eventually came back, asking the man for identification, asked about the child, back-up arrived and they found the other children and he was arrested. >> cruelty to animal charges. was that the reason they came to the house? >> they were coming to the house next door and stumbled upon the child handcuffed to the porch. we don't know the details about the animal cruelty charges. you can only imagine what the conditions were inside that house and outside. i mean, we can only obviously show video of the outside of the house. you saw the chained dog, the dead chicken on the porch. you can see it there.
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you can only imagine. >> disgusting. thank you. appreciate it. going to move on to california. a family of four disappeared in 2010, no longer missing. not a happy development. police uncovered the remains of a mom, dad and two boys from a desert grave 100 miles from their home. michael and summer mcshade went missing in february, 2010. not a sign of them, not a hint, not a clue until yesterday. the sheriff's office is combing the scene for any clue as to what might have killed them and why. an alabama judge made a decision in a rape case that left the victim and prosecutor speechless. the jury found him guilty of rape. his sentence, a form of house arrest with not a single hour behind bars. nick valencia spoke with the woman who worried about what he could do next. >> i don't understand.
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i still can't even process it. >> reporter: baffled. there's no other way to describe how she feels after hearing the man who rained her repeatedly will avoid jail. this week, an alabama judge sentenced her attacker to a total of 30 years behind bars, but suspended the sentences giving him community corrections, equivalent to house arrest. he has to register as a sex offender. >> i just don't want him to hurt nobody else the way he hurt me. it scarings the crap out of me. >> you're scared for their safety? >> what's been done to me is done. i don't want anybody else getting hurt. >> reporter: according to his attorney, he was sent for sex --
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frankly, i think the judges sentence was surprising to most everyone in the courtroom. with his track record, everyone thought he would be sentenced to years in jail. instead, he will avoid seeing the ideas of the jail cell if he follows the judges orders. even still, the defense attorney says the sentence is too harsh. it doesn't appear she was saying no he said of the victim saying the relationship was consensual. the evidence was not clear and convincing. now 20, andrews won't hear any of that. she says she was manipulated by him for six years and stayed in his life because she felt threatened. >> i know the truth of what happened. i have people that are going to support me and back me up. all those people that think that, they have a problem of their own. >> reporter: prosecutors are looking into options to get the sentence overturned. defense is considering an
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appeal. as for the judge, he did not return cnns calls for comment on the ruling. andrews says she needs an explanation. >> it's saying it's okay to hurt people. in alabama, it's okay to rape someone and rape other people multiple times and it's okay, you can walk the streets. >> andrews isn't the only person left scratching her head after the judges decision. prosecutors are questioning the legality of that saying community corrections is for non-violent offenders. rape is a violent offense. they stay alabama don'tment state of corrections are oversee it if they determine he's violated the judges decision. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. >> thank you very much for that. the mayor of toronto still has a job today. if he loses many more powers, it will be a title only. leaders in canada took away most of his responsibilities as
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mayor. at the same time, begged him to step down and let the city be run by somebody who has not admitted to smoking crack. nick is in toronto. ford does have support among voters in toronto. this is seriously high pressure for him to resign. tell us why he is refusing to do that? >> reporter: he thinks he's going to be proven right. he is challenging the decisions that have been taken by the city council to strip away his powers. he thinks he will be proven right, the law is on his side and voters will see that. the wave of support he enjoys will only grow. that's his opinion. next year, he'll be reelected. during all this, all the statements and comments that have caught people's attention, the profanities, the drug use, the drinking, all this is dragging his family's name through the mud, if you will. the family respects the father,
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a respected politician here. this is something i asked his brother about, councilmember doug ford what this is doing to the family's legacy. >> i think our legacy is going to be solid based on how he performs. you are going to look at a family that doesn't need to be doing this, that sacrificed massive amounts of time, money, their buzz, to serve the people. >> reporter: are you worried about his health with all this additional stress, not just the public or council, but the families, too? >> i'm confident the people that know us understand what we have done for our community. >> reporter: your brother's health? >> the priority, his health. health comes first over everything. if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. we are confident he will move forward. only time will tell. if i sit here and tell you 100%
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rob ford is going to be perfect, i can't tell you that. >> reporter: the family sees the pressure on him. his brother there, not sure, you know, how this really is going to play out despite the fact he's standing by his brother here. don? >> two questions for you. i'll try to get it in one, nick. it seems like the mayor and his family are in a bit of denial here. with all this, he's going on and debuting a new tv show monday. is this going to help or hurt with the damage control? >> reporter: it depends on what he says. i talked to his brother about this, it's called "ford nation quats. his brother will be on the show with him. they have done a two-hour radio show before. they go in unscripted. let's face it, the mayor, when unscripted gets so far off script, it hurts him. it's anybody's guess at this state. what they are hoping for is their opportunity to answer the critics and get back in a big
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way and have an hour long show to speak back to voters saying we are right on this, right on this, right on this. that's what we can expect but who knows. the mayor is known to get it wrong when he speaks out before. >> we have seen that. we witnessed it. thank you, nick. it's been more than a week since haiyan destroyed the philippines. the problems facing the smallest victims. as we approach the 50th anniversary of the president's assassination, what happened outside the public's view that day.
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the day president kennedy was assassinated there were urgent messages. a lot of it recorded on tape. rare recordings that have only now been recovered from a general's personal event. jake tapper now.
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>> reporter: as history and tragedy were unfolding, radio and telephone communication squawked between the white house and air force one. >> this is situationroom. kennedy apparently shot in the head. he fell facedown in the backseat of the car. mrs. kennedy cried, oh no, and tried to hold up his head. >> the personal effects of general clifton jr., a military aid under president kennedy. >> they want a post mortem that needs to be done under law at walter reed. >> ed was tasked with remastering and piecing together the new tape with older, incomplete copies. >> it's spine tingling.
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it gives you goose bumps. >> reporter: it's history unfolding in realtime. >> that is correct. that is correct. >> we are hearing several commanders communicating lodgist cal communication about interrupting everybody's plans because the president was assassinated and what it's going to take to get them to all come together and deal with this disaster. >> the body is on board and mrs. kennedy is on board. >> reporter: you can hear the military using code names. lbj is volunteer. >> we are waiting for the swearing in at the plane before take off. >> of the volunteer. >> reporter: that swearing in produced this image of lbj can
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jackie kennedy by his side. crews can be heard to sort out logistics. >> the casket is in the rear come partment. >> volunteer wants a patch with mrs. rose as soon as possible. >> lbj is passing on condolences to jfks mother, rose kennedy. >> i want to tell you, we are grieving with you. >> thank you very much. >> just as interesting as what is on the tapes is what is not. there are a number of obvious edits. >> i think it's simple, whoever created the tapes had certain parts of the conversations they didn't want anybody to hear. >> it's good for people to listen for themselves and see
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how things develop. sometimes see the roughness of history. >> john mcadams is a political science teacher at marquette university. he says these are not going to be the last tapes to appear. >> a lot of stuff fell between the cracks. this tape, which was in the possession of general clifton took almost half a century to show up. the historical record on all kinds of fronts is more ragged than one might think. make sure to watch sunday night, 9:00 eastern for "the assassination of president kennedy." it's here on cnn. facebook, twitter, instagram, now snapchat. it's the way teens are keeping in touch. parents, this is for you. after the break, we are going to show you what this is all about. [ imitating engine revving ]
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it is the holy grail for gamers. play station 4 is flying off shelves. fans are shelling out $400 to bring it home. itis been almost seven years. has it been that long? microsoft's x-box one comes out
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november 22nd. okay, are messages that disappear after seconds worth $3 billion? facebook thinks so. the app, snapchat has a multibillion dollar buyout as teens are cooling off. a trend suggested by research and acknowledged by facebook itself. what makes this start up so special? here is cnns laurie see gal. >> reporter: snapchat is the hottest app. this could be a snap chat. take a picture, write a message and send it to a friend. here is what makes it so popular with teenagers. you get to pick how long the message will appear. once your friend gets the message, they hold down the home button to view it, then it
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disappears, no history, no trace. now the 2-year-old snap it has chat turned down a $3 billion buyout from facebook. they make no money today, but here is how they might in the future. when you hold down the message, you are glued. that's a great time to throw in an ad. >> laurie is here with me. okay, first of all, thi must be getting old. what? this is for young ones, right? >> a lot of teenagers are use zing it. i have tried it out. it's interesting. the message disappears. a lot of folks are use zing it, i assure you. >> $3 billion is a lot of money. why would facebook offer that and what happened with it? >> facebook has a problem. they are not signing on as many young users as they used to. that is what made facebook.
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sn snapchat is the opposite. it's a young user base. it's something they are looking at putting out there. it's something they want. they are willing to put down $3 billion, but snapchat did not take it. >> i saw it on the cover of wall street journal. it's probably everywhere. why didn't they do it? >> look, it blows your mind. how do you turn down $3 billion, right? about a year ago, snapchat was offered $1 billion from facebook and they turned it down. fast forward a year, $3 billion. there's a certain thing about being the hottest company in silicon valley. they are taking a gamble. they could turn it down and be irrelevant. google is also interested, so that could drive up the price. it's a bit of a gambling game. >> look at facebook? >> they offered them a billion back in the day. look what happened?
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they didn't sell. >> can you find some apps for us? thank you. appreciate it. moving on now, newborns known as storm babies are the tiniest victims of typhoon haiyan. some are just hours old. how doctors and families are doing all they can to keep the little ones alive. [ male announcer ] we're not supermodels. my turn. we're trying our best to be role models. get in the car. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell. max. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] because we're trying to make the school bell. corner booth beats corner office any day. ♪ we make the most of our time... sorry. [ male announcer ] ...and our money. [ baby cries ] introducing the new, fuel-efficient 2014 malibu, the car for the richest guys on earth. ♪ a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪
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in libya, a mass funeral for those who died in the last 24 hours. the government says 43 people were killed and 460 wounded in the bloodest day of fighting since the fall of tripoli in 2011. fighting broke out yesterday at the tripoli headquarters from the coastal city. the militia claims the protesters fired first. it has been more than a week
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since supertyphoon haiyan destroyed the philippines. they are picking up bodies off the street. some of the images you are about to see are graphic. families are guarding the dead as more cadaver bags arrive. the u.s. military has 9,000 troops delivering supplied. there's relief coming from around the world. places like saud ya arabia, the official death toll, just over 3600 people. that number is expected to grow, sadly. there's the tiniest victims of the storm. some are calling storm babies. infants born immediately after the storm fighting for their lives. ivan watson visited a hospital chapel that's become home for some of the families. >> reporter: she bumps for dear life. her newborn baby isn't
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breathing. there's no incubator, no respirator or electricity to power the machine to save this 2-day-old baby's life. her mother pumps oxygen by hand. the baby is just one of 27 newborns here, storm babies you could call them. all born after the typhoon. they are in a hospital chapel that was converted into a maternity ward after the storm destroyed this city. these tiny babies are in what doctors are calling the icu, the neonatal intensive care unit. it's improvised and have been put here because their health situation is unstable. doctors say six infants have died in this chapel in the last six days. dr. leslie says some infants are too unstable to be med evaced to
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a better hospital out of the storm zone. what do you need for the babies right now, most? >> mostly now, suction machine, incubato incubators. >> reporter: tiny, fragile cocoons. this little girl was born just a few hours ago and she's six weeks premature. during our visit, some good news. this little baby's health stabilized and he graduates from the icu to rejoin his mother. is this your first son? how do you feel? >> happy. >> reporter: doctors say most of the newborns here are healthy. but during what should be a moment of joy, parents also face
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uncertainty. many have seen their homes destroyed so they rest amid the pews. while next to the alter, dr. rosario says this baby's chances are not good. >> the baby is really very poor condition. >> reporter: there is little more she can do now but pray for her daughter's life. >> ivan watson joins us now from the philippines. ivan, very emotional story there. what are you seeing on the ground today? >> reporter: well, i do want to add to that story. we talked to a 16-year-old mother there hours after she had given birth. she gave birth to a premature baby, six weeks premature. she had given birth after walks
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hours from her house to the airport to try to get a flight out of this shattered city. we can give you a look over the city right now, and failed to get on a flight out and had to walk hours back after spending the night on the sidewalk next to the ruins of the airport. then, went into labor, she thinks because of the exertion she went through. a lot of people are trying to get out of the ruins of this city. there are more flights, there are more ships and some of the roads have been opened up. as you can see, the most vulnerable people, people who are pregnant, the elderly, people who are wounded. it's harder for them to get out. yesterday, sadly, we reported on a man who basically died because of the terrible infections he got as a result of a broken leg that went untreated for days and got terribly infected. doctors operated but they didn't have supplies of blood for the
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operation and they lost him. that was a stupid death and those are the types of things that the health care workers are dealing with in the ruins of this city right now. don? >> ivan watson reporting. thank you very much. it's a terrible scene as you can see. it's being reported by all of correspondents, tens of thousands of people homeless. they are surviving on coconut juice alone. go to for more information. i want to give this programming note. tune in to state of the union with candy crowley tomorrow. she has an interview with president benjamin netten ha yao tomorrow on cnn. the way people are treated based on the color of their skin. now a new voice added to that debate. a columnist who hates being a black man, straight ahead. [ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family bbq.
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a michigan homeowner accused of fatally shooting a 19-year-old woman has been charged with second degree murder. she was intoxicated and disoriented following a car crash was shot on a porch in dearborn heights october 2nd. theodore thought she was breaking into his home and accidentally discharged his shotgun. mcbride was found dead with a shotgun wound to her face. >> jay-z is keeping his partnership with the high end retailer, barney's. they were accused of racially discriminating two black customers. he said he is in a, quote, unique position to affect change at barney's. >> we are going to talk about a
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controversial issue. sit down and listen to this. i read this earlier and was intrigued. why a writer for "the guardian" says he hates being a black man. he writes, i can honestly say i hate being a black male. i don't fit into the views people have of black men. in popular culture, black men are recognized in three areas, sports, crime and entertainment. i hate rap music, i hate most sports and like reasoning to rock music such as p.j. harvey. i'm going to bring in the writer now. he joins me from toronto. i guess you can call it self-hatred. who do you blame for your self-hatred? >> um, i would say, i think it manifests from society. i would say. >> when i read through all of
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that and you are saying you hate being a black man, do you hate being a black man or just hate the stereotypes about black men? >> i hate the stereotypes. in pop culture, the stereo typical image of a black male is to be aggressive, is to be arrogant, is to not be a nice person and i just feel as though there are a lot of black males out there, such as myself, who don't conform to those sexist and racist stereotypes. >> do you really not want to be black anymore? is that what you are seeing? >> no. >> if you could change it, would you change it to some other race? would you be white? what are you saying here? >> no! no, what i'm saying is i'm a canadian, i'm not an american. you have to remember, in canada, there are less than 1 million
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blacks in canada. it's a very euro centric. we have hockey, cold, beer. canadians are kind of like society. it's not like the united states where african-americans make up 12% of the united states population and there's close to 40 million blacks in the united states. the total population in canada is only 33 million. when you grow up in a country where you don't see a lot of positive images about black people, it affects you. that's where i'm coming from when i wrote the article. >> hmm. gosh, i could talk to you all night because, in a way, i understand what you are saying about the stereotypes about being black, but shouldn't that push you to learn more about yourself and to love yourself more? i understand the stereotypes. even coming from other black
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people, they expect you to be a certain way. you don't fit into a category and you are not black. it's a bunch of bull. go on. >> okay. what i wanted to say is that i think that this is just my perspective as a black canadian, some african-americans are the de facto black people of the world. what they need to understand is in different countries black people experience blackness differently. i stress this because in canada, it's just so different. canadians are very uncomfortable talking about race. i try to get this article published in a canadian newspaper but didn't get a response. canada has this methology that we don't have problems with racism. the united states is more
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progressive in a sense. people are not afraid to talk about race. in canada, people are uncomfortable talking about these kind of issues. >> okay. why didn't you write an article saying i love being a black man, but i hate the stereotypes about being a black man? >> no, i'm definitely -- okay, i'm definitely conflicted. i'm definitely conflicted. i definitely am. i'm being honest. i am conflicted about certain things like i totally acknowledge that because i do have feelings of, you know, insecurities, of doubt, of not feeling like i'm good enough and i think i acknowledge that in my article. >> okay. fair enough. that's how you feel. i'm going to read other stuff from your column. you say a lot of black men don't want to acknowledge the feelings of disgust we have for
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ourselves. i think my own self-hatred is born out of dispair and unhappiness i see within a lot of young black men. explain that. >> i'll say this. like, in toronto, for example, there's a serious problem with gun violence. a lot of young black men are dying. sadly, in the city of toronto, when ever black men are mentioned, it's usually not about something positive. it's usually something very negative. what i'm saying is it does affect the psyche. it affects me. i quoted the author of "black skin, white mask." talking about the black man in a third person, not a three dimensional human being. if you grow up in a country
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where there are hardly positive representations of black men, it does affect the psyche. >> okay. i'm going to spend more time with you than we thought. we are going get rid of other stuff. we are going to talk on the other side of the break and i'm going to get more from you. i'm going to step outside my role as a journalist and offer you advice. don't go anywhere. we are going to talk on the other side of the break.
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all right, let's get back to our guest now. he wrote an article about why he hates being a black man. okay, let's go on and talk a little more about this. you said african-americans think that they are the only people of color, black people and everything should be defined. it's different in your country. people experience blackness differently. listen, a lot of african-americans in this country probably did not know that. you probably taught a lot of people something. why do you think your experience is different than african-americans? >> well, i think my experience is different than african-americans because my life experience is different. african-americans, i think, are very organized. you have organization of the
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naacp, you have -- you have a black president, president obama in his second term. i mean that's very transforming regardless of what people think of obama, a black man is the president of the united states. in canada, we have never had a prime minister of color. in the city of toronto, the visible minority population is close to 50%, yet the city of toronto never had a mayor not white. >> i understand what you are saying. i was there earlier in the year with an executive of black in america talking on this issue about being black in canada and in many waysitis different and in some ways the same as in america. let's have a conversation here. viewers, listen. what you are doing, regardless of what people say about you because i know you are getting a lot of hate online. what you are doing is brave. whether i agree with you or not,
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or viewers agree with you or not, by saying this, you are going to get people to talk and discuss this and change minds. do you realize you are very brave? >> yes. my sister -- my sister told me i was very brave. i got e-mails from people telling me they are proud of me. i also have to thank heather long, the assistant editor at "guardian america." she published my article. she thought i had important things to say so i have to thank her for giving me the opportunity to write this. >> people want me to beat you up, tell this man to sit down and you are a self-hating black man. i don't know your experiences so i can't tell you that. do you mate to go online now? >> no. it's intriguing. i'm fascinated by it. it's strange to have people talk
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about you and say these nasty things. they don't know anything about me. it's a very weird feeling. last night, i went to an african-american website called clutch. the comments online were mixed. some people were saying i'm this and that. some people were saying they agreed with me. some people are not listening to the nuances of my argument. >> that nuance is very important. a lot of times people see the headline. if they see a headline that says i hate being black, it's what they are going to take from it. people read blurbs, headlines, soundbyt soundbytes. i have been a victim of that, too. let me give you some advice here. don't let anyone define who you are. you are who you are. don't let black people decide or white people or the news or the headlines, don't let the negativity. i love being black.
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people accuse me of not being black enough or whatever that means. it's ridiculous. be who you are. love who you are. you should learn to love being black. i tell kids and younger people all the time, take the negativity. take the challenges in your life and turn them around to be your silent motivator. find your blackness and what people are saying, criticizing and make it a motivator to be a better person. do you understand what i'm saying? don't let other people define who you are. >> i hear what you are saying. >> what do you think of that? what do you make of that? >> i hear what you are saying, i'm just saying when i wrote the article, it's hard. i mentioned sitting on a bus and people don't sit next to you. i mean, it's just -- it's just i definitely hear what you are saying. i'm saying it's a struggle i'm dealing with. i definitely will take what you are saying to heart because i
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really i just wanted to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to be able to speak and give my perspective. i just really value your opinion. i really think that as a public figure, you have done so much for people such as myself. >> i just listen. thank you. you didn't need to say that. again, don't let anyone define who you are. i want you to love yourself. i want you to love being black. i'll continue to talk to you. i'll get your number and we'll continue to talk. you are very brave. regardless of what you are saying whether people believe it's right or wrong, continue to be who you are. be authentic. thank you. >> thank you very much, don. >> appreciate it. we'll be right back. an important message for americans eligible
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police yesterday uncovered the remains of a mom, a dad in a grave 100 miles from their home. they went missing with thundershower sons in february, 2010. not a sign of them, not a hint, not a clue until yesterday. police are combing the scene for a clue as to who might have killed them and why. a horrible story out of north carolina tonight. a deputy finds an 11-year-old boy handcuffed to the porch of a house with a dead chicken around his neck. authorities removed five children ages 8 to 15. they arrested two people, both 57 years old. one is a supervisor for social servic services. searchers may have found the
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body of a man who fell out of a plane earlier this week. the pilot gave a may day call after a passenger opened the door and fell out. they are waiting on an autopsy. they are investigating whether the passenger fell out of jumped. i'm don lemon. "escape from jonestown" begins now. thanks for watching. this is the way jonestown looked the day it died, november 18th, 1978. >> die with a degree of dignity. lay down your life with dignity. >> a self-proclaimed religious paradise in guyana in south america.